When it comes to preparing a resume, we often times stress over the 'process' period. It doesn't have to be that way at all! There are key factors that we must remember while preparing a resume. First thing first, KEEP IT SHORT. I have to say this again, KEEP IT SHORT. Why? The shorter it is, the better it becomes. For some reason we have it process in our minds that the longer the resume the better the impact will be. Absolutely not! And here's the reason why...
The length of the resume should only be one page. Yes, you read that correctly ONE PAGE. Why? Employers nowadays, are getting away from collecting paper. Everything is electronic including: applications, new hire paperwork, and payment selection. Collaborating is the key while preparing a resume. Try to condensed everything in that one page that you possible can. Condensing represents being cohesive.
Get away from 'fancy' paper. For some reason many think that because they have their resume on glossy or laminated paper, that it will draw attention. Not! Did you know that 95% of the time, managers don't keep resumes? Don't put too much emphasizes on the look. keep it simple, clean, and straight to the point. You want to impress the hiring manager what's on the resume, not so much on how it looks.
If you remember these key factors, your resume will get you that job you have been waiting for!
"Write On!" - IWRITE, Ltd Co.