9 Tips on How to Make an Essay Shine
Here are nine tips on how to make an essay shine by paying attention to simple writing rules.
Tip #1: Concise Essay Writing
Some writers love the revision process; others think it’s a drag. Regardless of how you feel about revising your work, one thing is certain: if you want to produce better writing (and become a better writer), then revision is absolutely essential.If you need help typing and revising your papers this coming semester, its not too late to contact us her at IWRITE. We can help you get the best grades possible from your written papers.
Revise What?
We use the terms “first draft” or “rough draft” when we are composing a piece of writing because almost every single project is going to have to go through a revision (or two, or three, four, or more). But what does that mean? How is it done? And what are the benefits?
We’ve already discussed the difference between proofreading and editing. Where does revision fit into all of that?
To revise means to change or alter. In the world of writing, revise means “to alter something already written or printed, in order to make corrections, improve, or update: to revise a manuscript.” (dictionary.com).
Generally speaking, revision involves making substantial changes to make the writing better. In fiction, this could involve changing characters’ names, realigning the plot, or re-sequencing the scenes. In other types of writing, revision might involve major structural changes (moving chapters around) or a content overhaul (adding, removing, or changing information). Sometimes, revision means rewriting a project entirely.